GAR Forms
Compensation Agreements
F259 - Broker Compensation Agreement Exhibit (to be included with offer)
F258 - Pre-Showing Co-Op Commission Agreement (I would date for 5 Days)
F255 - Instructions to Closing Attorney (Needed if using F258)
Working with Sellers
Taking a Listing
(Use Transaction Desk from GAMLS)
F101 - Exclusive Seller Brokerage Engagement Agreement
F301 - Seller's Property Disclosure Statement Exhibit
F316 - Lead-Based Paint Exhibit (2024)
F322 - Community Association Disclosure Exhibit
Utility Information Sheet found HERE
F258 - Co-Op Commission Agreement
Working with Buyers
Buyer Broker Agreement
Before Showing any homes - F110 - Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Engagement Agreement along with the GAR Broachers PDF
Making an Offer
(Use Transaction Desk from GAMLS)
F201 - Purchase and Sale Agreement
A= Financing Exhibit as Exhibit A (F404 - Conventional - F407 - FHA - F401 - No Financing - F410 - VA)
B= Earnest Money being held by Closing Attorney (F510 & F511)
C= F259 - Broker Compensation Agreement or F255 Instructions to Closing Attorney
D= Seller Property Disclosures (as provided by Seller)
E= CAD Community Association Disclosures (If applicable as provided by Seller)
F= Lead Based Paint Exhibit (If built before 1978)
Any other Exhbits Like Backup offer F604 or Contingent on the Sale F207)
Common Amendments (After Binding)
(ATAC) F704 - Amendment to Address Concerns with Property (Normally Amendment 1)
F701 - Amendment to Agreement (Standard Amendment and can have more than one item being addressed as 1, 2, 3, etc)
F713 - Amendment to Sales Price (2024)
F716 - Amendment to Change Closing/Possession Date
F270 - Notice to Unilaterally Extend Closing Date for Eight Days (Can only be used once on each side and as a last resort)